Rash on the elbows? It might be psoriasis!

Do you have a rash on the elbows? You might be suffering from psoriasis, a skin condition where red, crusty patches appear on the skin especially on the elbows, scalp, knees and lower back. The patches can at times be itchy or sorPsoriasise. Psoriasis is a chronic condition for which there is no cure. However, there may be periods of time where there are no symptoms, and at times the skin be flared with more symptoms. People who are suffering from psoriasis normally have an increased buildup of skin cells. This leads to the appearance of dry, pink patches of skin.
The diseases can worsen when it is triggered with an injury to the skin. Also, strep throat infection may actually cause psoriasis in some patients! Stress and some medications may also cause psoriasis to worsen.
Psoriasis is usually diagnosed by a dermatologist after examination of the skin. Thorough examination of the skin, and in some cases a skin biopsy of the affected area is taken in order to determine if a patient is suffering from psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic condition, which has no cure. However, there are treatments which can help in alleviating symptoms as well as improving the appearance of the affected area.
Treatments for psoriasis include:
- Creams and ointments
- Light therapy known as ultraviolet therapy or narrowband UVB therapy
- Pills
- Injections